Sara’s Scribbles

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Answers In Genesis Conference

We went to a special AIG conference this past weekend that was put on by a local church. It was really good! They had Mr. Ken Ham there, as well as a Dr. David Menton, who I hadn't heard before. On Friday night Dr. Menton gave a talk called "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made", about how a baby is conceived and how it grows in the womb. I don't see how anybody can walk away from something like that and not see the Creator. It was simply fascinating! As always, :-), we bought a ton of books and DVDs, including Demolishing Strongholds, which I have been wanting for some time.

They also talked about more additions they are making to the museum, which makes me want to go back even more!


  • How neat! I love hearing speakers talk about Creation, and how to defend it! :)
    I have a card I need to get mailed to you, hopefully today!
    Have a great week! (O wait, it's nearly weekend)

    By Blogger Allison, At February 28, 2008 at 9:53 AM  

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